Email IMAP bisa terdiri dari banyak folder sesuai keinginan penggunanya. Tentu ini akan merepotkan jika kita memindahkan email IMAP dari satu server ke server lain lain. Untunglah saat ini ada IMAP Tools.
IMAP Tools bisa dibeli di dengan harga sangat yang terjangkau. Untuk tools yang pernah saya test adalah
Format penggunaannya adalah ./ -S host1/user1/password1 -D host2/user2/password2.
Variasi penggunaannya adalah
./ -S ip1:143/user1/password1 -D ip2:143/user2/password2 .
Dalam pengalaman kami, silahkan install tools tersebut pada server yang tidak sibuk sehingga bisa mengakses kedua imap server dengan baik. Pastikan server tersebut bisa mengakses ‘telnet ip1 143’ dan ‘telnet ip2 143’ .
Penjelasan lengkapnya adalah:
imapcopy is a utility for copying a user’s messages from one IMAP server to another.
It logs into one server with your username & password, builds a list of your
mailboxes and the messages in them, then logs into the other server with your
username/password on that machine and copies the mailboxes and messages to it.
The mailbox (folder) structure is reproduced on the other server. The IMAP status
flags are preserved (eg SEEN, DELETED, etc) along with the dates on the original messages.
Usage: -S host1/user1/password1 -D host2/user2/password2
Optional arguments:
-d debug
-v verbose (displays the progress of copying process)
-I show IMAP protocol exchanges
-L logfile
-m <mailbox list> (copy only certain mailboxes, eg “INBOX,Drafts,etc”)
-e <mailbox list> (exclude the listed mailboxes, eg “Trash,Wastebasket,etc”)
-r clears the Deleted flag from copied messages
-x <delimiter [prefix]> Specify the src mbx delimiter and prefix (if server does not support NAMESPACE command)
-y <delimiter [prefix]> Specify the dst mbx delimiter and prefix (if server does not support NAMESPACE command)
-p <root mailbox> (put copied mailboxes under a root mailbox)
-M <file of mailbox name mappings>
-X <max size in MB> Maximum message size to be copied
-U update mode. Only copy messages that do not already exist on the destination.
-B <msgnum start> Start copying messages from this number on.
-E <msgnum end> Stop copying messages after this one.
-a <DD-MMM-YYYY> Copy only those messages after the specifed date.
-b <DD-MMM-YYYY> Copy only those messages before the specifed date.
-u Skip unread messages, copy only the read ones.
-H Copy only message headers
You can select a port number other than the standard IMAP port (143) by
specifying the host value as host:port, eg localhost:993.
The -M argument allows you to change the names of mailboxes as they are
copied from the source to the destination system. To do so, create a file of
names in the format of “<source mailbox>: <destination mailbox>.” For
Inbox: Migrated_inbox
OldMail/2007/documents: OldMail/07/documents
Sales: Old/sales/notes
Please note that when using the -M option if any mailbox names contain non-ASCII
characters you must install the Perl Unicode::IMAPUtf7 module. The IMAP standard
requires that such mailbox names be encoded in the Modified UTF-7 character set.
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